Your Coronium instance contains a MySQL database that can be accessed through the cloud api. It's also possible to connect to a remote MySQL database as well.




cloud.mysql.query(connection_tbl, query_str)


Name Description Default Required
connection_tbl The connection table for the database (see below). nil Y
query_str The MySQL query to send to the database. nil Y

The Connection Table

You need to provide a database connection table to select the working database. The table uses the following keys:

Key Description Type Default Required
database The database to work with. string nil Y
user The database user. string 'cloud' N
password The user password string 'cloudadmin' N
host The database host, can be used for external connections. string '' N
port The database port number. number 3306 N


local client_id = 100
local conn_tbl = { database = "clients" }
local query = cloud.sf("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id=%d", client_id)
local ok, result = cloud.mysql.query(conn_tbl, query)
if not ok then
  cloud.log(result) --error is in the result

-- `result` is a table array of records.



Return a MySQL safe string.

cloud.mysql.string( unwashed_string )


Name Description Default Requried
unwashed_string The string to make SQL "safe". nil Y


local safe_str = cloud.mysql.string("Some possibly unsafe string.")

Using databags

A databag wraps common MySQL actions into a module format. Once you have a databag instance, you can apply the following methods to it:



Databags are prebuilt data objects for basic MySQL handling. If you prefer the query style shown above, feel free to use it instead. They both produce similar results.

cloud.mysql.databag( connection_tbl )


Key Description Type Default Required
database The database to work with. string nil Y
user The database user. string 'cloud' N
password The user password string 'cloudadmin' N
host The database host, can be used for external connections. string '' N
port The database port number. number 3306 N


A databag instance, connected to the specified database.


local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local databag = cloud.mysql.databag( conn_tbl )

-- `databag` contains a databag instance.



databag:select( select_tbl )


This method requires a table with the following keys (not all keys required):

Select Table Keys

Key Description Type Required
tableName Name of the table to operate on. string Y
columns Specific columns to select table array (string). N
where Any additional WHERE clause to apply. string N
orderby The sorting attributes. See Orderby Table. table N
limit Limit the amount of the return to this number. number N
distinct Do not select duplicate column values. boolean N

Orderby Table Keys

The orderby key in the Select Table is a table array filled with table objects containing the following keys:

Key Description Type Required
colName Name of a column to sort on. string Y
direction Which direction to sort the column cloud.ASCENDING or cloud.DESCENDING N


A result or nil, error, and possible errorCode.


--== Select and return all records from `scores`.
local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local db = cloud.mysql.databag(conn_tbl)
local result, err = db:select({
  tableName = 'scores'

if not result then
  return cloud.error(err)

--== Records are Lua tables in a table array.
for _, record in ipairs(result) do
  cloud.log(record.player..' scored '..record.score)

return result


--== Select and return refined query.
local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local db = cloud.mysql.databag( conn_tbl )

local result, err, errCode = db:select({
  tableName = 'scores',
  columns = {'score'},
  where = 'score > 10',
  limit = 10,
  orderby = {
    score = cloud.DESCENDING

if not result then
  return cloud.error( err, errCode )

return result



databag:insert( insert_tbl )


Key Description Type Required
insert_tbl The meta table for inserting the record. table Y

Insert Table

Key Description Type Required
tableName The MySQL table name to operate on. string Y
columns An array of column names. table array (string) Y
values An array of values for each specified column. table array (mixed) Y

Heads Up!

The amount of columns must match the amount of values for this action to be successful.


A result or nil, error, and possible errorCode.


--== Inserting a player score
local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local db = cloud.mysql.databag( conn_tbl )
local result, err = db:insert({
  tableName = 'scores',
  columns = {'score', 'player'},
  values = {200, 'Sandy'}

if not result then
  return cloud.error(err)

return result



databag:update( update_tbl )


Key Description Type Required
update_tbl The meta table for updating the record. table Y

Update Table Keys

Key Description Type Required
tableName The name of the table to operate on. string Y
values Table of name = val pairs. table Y
where Where the colums should be updated. string N


A result or nil, error, and possible errorCode.


--== Update some data
local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local databag = cloud.mysql.databag( conn_tbl )
local result, err = databag:update({
  tableName = 'scores',
  values = {
    score = 230
  where = 'player='

if not result then
  return cloud.error(err)

return result



databag:delete( delete_tbl )


Key Description Type Required
delete_tbl The meta table for deleteing the record. table Y

Delete Table Keys

Key Description Type Required
tableName The name of the table to operate on. string Y
where A WHERE clause to limit deletions to. string N
force Disables safety check for mising where clause. boolean N

Heads Up!

Though optional, you should always include a where key query when removing records. Without it, you could possibly delete all of the tables records.


A result or nil, error, and possible errorCode.


--== Delete some data
local conn_tbl = { database = "leaderboard" }
local databag = cloud.mysql.databag( conn_tbl )
local result, err = databag:delete({
  tableName = 'scores',
  where = 'score < 10'

if not result then
  return cloud.error(err)

return result



Clears all internal databag query variables except the connection table. The databag is still usable.

Did You Know?

You generally don't need to call this method. It's called automatically before any new databag actions take place.







--== Flush the databag


A browser based MySQL tool is available at https://your.coronium.instance:11000/

The default log in is:

User: cloud

Password: cloudadmin