You can log into your Coronium instance using the cloud user. Replace the below with your server instance domain.


The default login when deploying locally is ssh cloud@

Default Password


Changing the password

Once you log in the first time, you can -- and should -- change your password by entering passwd on the command line.


Manage your files using an SFTP program. Connect using the cloud user.

Default password


*If you already changed your SSH password (see above), then use that instead.

FileZilla Client is a free cross-platform program that supports SFTP.


Accessing the datastores requires a two part authorization. You can find the "first" part of the authorization by entering cc auth on the command line of your Coronium system. This will display a unique code that you will use as the initial password. The associated user is cloud.

To admin your datastores, visit the following endpoints and log in with the cloud user, and a password of cloudadmin. This is the second layer of authorization.

MySQL - Adminer


MongoDB - RockMongo


Cloud Tools

Your Coronium instance contains a command line application called cloud which will perform various instance related activities. You can also use the shortened cc for more common commands. See the command list below.

Did You Know?

You can type cloud or cc on the command line at any time to view all available actions.

Some Common Actions

Action Command
Start the Coronium processes sudo cloud up
Start instance in "dev" mode sudo cloud devup
Reload the Coronium processes sudo cloud up
Generate a new Project cloud|cc add myproject
Remove a Project cloud|cc remove myproject
Get a project API "key" cloud|cc key myproject
Follow the log file in real-time cloud|cc logs
List installed Projects cloud|cc projects